News and Events

24/9 Transforming Credit Management: Automation and New Technologies | Panel with Círculo de Crédito, Truora and RappiCard

In-person mode. Panel and corporate breakfast. September 24, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Polanco, Mexico City. To register, please click here and complete your details. REGISTRATION LINK Objective of the meeting: Explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in the automation of...

3/10 Expectations vs. reality of technological transformation in the financial market | Panel with Cobre, Mareigua at BBVA Spark

How to land trends to achieve less risk and more ROI. In-person mode. Panel and corporate breakfast. October 3, 9.30:11.30 am to XNUMX:XNUMX am, BBVA Spark, Mexico City. Sign up now! Spaces are limited. Registration Link Main ideas: – What are we talking about...

25/6 Side event Peru Fintech Forum In-person breakfast “Automation: the key to improving credit evaluation processes”

In person | Corporate breakfast: June 25, 7.30 am, Lima, Peru


23/5 together with Mareigua “Automation: the key to improving credit evaluation processes” co-organized by Colombia Fintech

Virtual | Event: May 23, 11 am Colombia, 10 am Mexico.

mariano sokal panel santander fintech forum women in fintech

18/4: Panel “How to start a business in Fintech” Santander Fintech Forum organizes Women in Fintech

Panel 3.30 PM: How to start a business in Fintech


22/2 Truora Webinar “Optimizing Collection: Effective Strategies through WhatsApp” | Panelists

Virtual | Event: February 22, 5 pm Mexico – 6 pm Colombia
